Wednesday, 12 August 2009

I think...

...I want to hit my head on a brick wall, or rather...I don't want to, but that's how it's feeling!

The paperwork duly arrived with a later than normal post this morning(always the same when you're waiting), and eagerly I opened the envelope to discover the completed forms within.

Okay, read the covering letter, and checked the contents...that's the first thing that didn't tie up, some copy letters were missing! *sigh* Then, skating through the different forms...the first made sense...the second made some sense...the third, which rooms were which?! Dining room? What dining room? There isn't one! Anyway, whichever dining room is being talked about, the fitted carpet is seemingly going...which is fine, if we know what we're talking about...and the same with some of the curtains. Of course, all these forms weren't signed either. Now, these have gone through the hands of two sets of solicitors, and I find they're not signed! Though ours did mention he still hadn't got the answer to two questions asked at the end of April, but her solicitors have not been able to get the answers either. I contacted her estate agent, and they're now on the case. Frog-marching was mentioned!

A condition of her purchase is she acts and signs quickly...yeah, right!

I'm now going to drown myself with Ben and Jerry...


Gretel said... You will have earned this house well and truly when you finally get to put your feet over the threshold.

Suze said...

Thank you, Gretel...I think a few glasses of champagne might be taken at that point. It's now eleven months since we first saw the house and made an offer.
I had quite a conversation with our solicitor this afternoon too.