...Great Dixter, the family home of Christopher Lloyd...one of this country's great gardeners.
The house is mainly medieval, with additions by Sir Edwin Lutyens, who was commissioned in 1910 to remodel the house by Nathaniel Lloyd, Christopher's father. He kept to the faith of the original building, by dismantling "modern" elements, and adding/saving half another medieval house as a wing. You can't see the join.
The house itself is filled with the normal household items found in an Edwardian home, Christopher had more modern tastes and commissioned several pieces from Rupert Williamson...whose furniture I fell in love with.
But...Christopher Lloyd is most famous as a designer of gardens, and his own at Great Dixter has a wealth of inspiration. He was no follower of convention, but ploughed his own furrow...even digging up the rose garden, in whose place now sits an exotic one, with banana's growing where roses once bloomed. He was not keen on roses, but you do find the odd one dotted about the gardens.
I hope you enjoy the views...
And although Christopher Lloyd died in 2006, his choice of successor in Fergus Garrett is seamless...having worked together for several years .
What a beautiful garden - there is nothing as lovely as an English garden in the summer time....Have a wonderful weekend, xv.
It is a beautiful garden...it reminds me of the English cottage garden, but with a twist.
He was a great believer in succession planting, so you can have beauty all seasons. Though I am with you on the summertime...that's when it's at its most beautiful.
This is so beautiful. I would love to go there. There is nothing like it in the States. So lovely to meet you.
Maybe one day you will...who knows what's around that corner of life. I hope you do...it seems to be just you. And it's a pleasure to meet you too.
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